So I had this denim looking shirt that I bought a long time ago and haven't worn that much. As you know, this is the period for spring cleaning the closets and a lot of clothes we own and don't use end up (hopefully) given away.
Instead of doing the same for this one, I thought I'd give it a second life with this makeover.

To make this you will need:

- An old shirt
- A needle
- Scissors
- Cotton embroidery floss (I used DMC in numbers 905 green, 310 black, 915 dark plum and two other colors that I had in my collection but lost the reference to!)
- Transfer paper or tracing paper (you can find special fabric ones in your haberdashery)

First thing you want to do is transfer the pattern you want to embroider onto your shirt (excuse my wrinkled shirt :p)

At this point you have the canvas all set for you to do your art.

The easiest way to outline the pattern is the back stitch ( I did that all over the drawing).

I also used the french knot to do the cactus needles (I actually learnt this from a tutorial on Youtube right in the middle of my DIY)

Last technique I used in this is the satin stitch (it's great to fill in any space)

This small DIY instantly transformed my old shirt into a trendy embroidered denim one. And the best part of doing it yourself is that you can totally customize it to fit your own style! Don't hesitate to check Pinterest (it's my first go to for inspiration)

So that's the end of it guys! Thank you for reading and don't hesitate to comment and share this post if you liked it :)
